
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Countdown continues...14 days left...

There are two week left till the lab exam and i have almost finished my core studying. I have labbed most of the topics referenced in the lab checklist and i have completed a full round of labs.

I did all four full scale labs on racks rentals, plus the 7 gold labs.The gold labs proved to be easy enough in comparison to the full scale labs, and i hope the actual lab is somewhere between. It was nice that i left some weeks between doing the same lab on GNS3 and on real equipment, because i had to do most of it without remembering all the details.

Although i was planning to do some of the full scale labs on GNS3 again, i decided to skip that step because i need to have a look at less important topics and increase my knowledge about them. I feel i am almost ready regarding the core topics, but i also need to spend some time on less critical topics because they can offer some easy points.

Regarding the blog, i updated the progress page with various interesting graphs showing my study time. I'm keeping track of almost everything (i've made the exam look like a project), so i just transformed it into graphs and it surely looks much better. After all, it's interesting to see your progress through some pictures.

For the next few days, i'm having three more 4h rack rentals, just to test some things on IOS-XR mainly. At the same time i will be spending a few hours per day on reading about core topics in some of my books. Unfortunately my work projects are very important too and i cannot spend the time i would like on reading, like i did on the previous CCIE where i had taken many days off from work.

This will probably be my penultimate post, if not the last one. Time is closing by and i need to focus as much as possible on my preparation. Of course, NTS will be updated in the meantime, but with lower priority.

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